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Moldovan president says visit by U.S. Secretary of State strong sign of support for Moldova

21:02 | 29.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 May /MOLDPRES/ - The today’s visit reconfirms the excellent relations between Moldova and the United States and is a strong sign of support for the country and for the way of peace, democracy and prosperity which we have chosen. President Maia Sandu conveyed a message to this effect, in the context of the today’s visit to Moldova by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.       

President Maia Sandu said that, during all this difficult period, since the war has return to the European continent, the peace, stability and calm had been managed to be maintained in Moldova, despite the attempts of destabilization of the situation.  

„Last time, you visited us two years ago, in March 2022, when tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees were crossing our borders, looking for a shelter far from the bombardments of the Russian army. You were among the first high officials to visit Moldova on those difficult moments. And you continued to be with us. Due to the support of the Government of the USA and other partners, we were able to provide worthy conditions to the Ukrainians who took refuge to our country and to the local communities which host them. We managed to maintain the peace at home; yet, our citizens continue to be strongly hit by the negative effects of the war on our economy and welfare. Nevertheless, through unity and with the partners’ support, we will be with the people and will move forward.  Including due to the American financial support worth 80 million dollars, in the last winter, we managed to compensate the citizens’ invoices for energy. Moldova not only waited to be e helped, but started working. We consolidated our energy security. From a full dependence on the Russian energy resources, presently, we buy natural gas from more sources, including from the United States, thus having more accessible and better options. Our goal is to overcome Moldova’s vulnerability in this field, to have stable, accessible and sustainable sources of electricity,’’ Maia Sandu noted.       

The official stressed that the United States backed Moldova in its fight against corruption as well. ‘’Yes, this is a difficult and long fight; yet, we are resolute to carry it through. By the sanctioning of those why try to destabilize Moldova and to divide our people, your country contributes to our security and stability. Thank you for this constant support which the U.S. Government and the American people provide us. In this way, you support us in our dream – so that Moldova becomes a land of guaranteed peace, freedom, well-being for those who work honestly,’’ Maia Sandu also said.

Also, the Moldovan president thanked the USA for supporting Ukraine. ‘’We experience times when the people’s natural wish to live freedom and peace is put to difficult test by the adversaries of the democracy. Our neighbours and friends from Ukraine every day pay a terrible price for the mere aspiration to be free. Their courageous fight is a fight for the freedom of everybody. Thank you for supporting Ukraine. Through its resistance, Ukraine protects the peace here, in Moldova and the support for Ukraine means also support for the security of Moldova. Our neighbours  – Ukraine and the European Union – need a strong and democratic Moldova, which is a reliable partner and a provider of security – not a gray area. Thank you once again for your every support and for the long-lasting friendship,’’ President Maia Sandu said.      

Secretary of State of the United States Antony Blinken pays a visit to Moldova today. The meeting’s agenda includes meetings with President Maia Sandu, Prime Minister Dorin Recean, as well as other officials from Moldova. This is the second visit by Antony Blinken after the one made in March 2022.    




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