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Moldovan parliament to adopt declaration on condemning Russia's genocide policy against Ukraine

14:31 | 30.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s parliament will adopt a declaration on the condemnation of Russia’s policy of genocide against Ukraine, carried out through the forcible displacement and deportation of Ukrainian children from the areas temporarily occupied by Russia and on the territory of the Russian Federation. Deputy Parliament Speaker Doina Gherman has made statements to this effect at a news briefing.  

„We are at the end of the school year, on the eve of the International Children’s Day; we are happy with the fact that the children in Moldova live in peace and safety with their parents; we celebrate their success and achievements. At the same time, the children from the neighbour country, from Ukraine, daily face tough realities triggered by an unjust war. Starting from 24 February 2022, the war caused by Russia has brought the death, grief and displacement of millions of Ukrainian families. In particular, the crimes against Ukrainian children became a terrible reality. According to official information of the competent authorities from Ukraine, 537 children were killed, 1,275 were wounded, 2,067 were reported missed, 19,546 were kidnaped by the state aggressor and about 260,000 children were forcibly displaced,’’ Gherman said.   

The deputy parliament speaker informed that a Declaration on the condemnation of Russia’s policy of genocide against Ukraine, carried out through the forcible displacement and deportation of Ukrainian children on the temporarily occupied  arears of Ukraine and on the territory of Russia, had been registered and would be adopted in the parliament’s plenum today.     

„Thus, Moldova joins other parliaments, which adopted similar declarations, such as the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, France, Iceland, the USA and Canada,’’ Gherman added.    

„Through this Declaration, Moldova’s parliament declares that the denial of the existence of the Ukrainian nation, along with the cynical and inhuman policies enforced by the Russian Federation against the children from Ukraine gets under the action of the definition of the genocide, according to the Article II, letter e) from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Confirms the availability of Moldova’s authorities to provide, in continuation, the possible humanitarian assistance and the needed assistance to the residents of Ukraine, who are seeking a refuge because of the war. Reconfirms the commitment to ensure the access of the children refugees from Ukraine to education in the mother language, to the Ukrainian cultural space, of preserving of their national identity and the spiritual relations with Ukraine. Launches the call to unity, vigilance and responsibility to all Moldova’s citizens who want peace and freedom for the children from Ukraine, Moldova and from all over the world,’’ the MP added.     



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