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Moldova ratified Geneva Act on appellations of origin, geographical indications

14:36 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will be able to request other countries to grant protection to geographical indications and appellations of origin. Parliament today ratified the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on appellations of origin and geographical indications.

The Geneva Act is a revision of the Lisbon Agreement on the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, which was signed on 31 October 1958. The Lisbon Union currently consists of 43 states.

The document's ratification will result in the protection of national interests and will have a positive effect for producers in our country.

Under the Geneva Act, the right of the Republic of Moldova to request protection to geographical indications and appellations of origin from other countries will be ensured. At the same time, our country will assume responsibility for examining applications for protection in the Republic of Moldova for geographical indications and appellations of origin from member states of the Lisbon Agreement.


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