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Results of contests on financing of cultural projects announced in Moldova

18:41 | 30.05.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Culture Ministry has announced the results of the contest on the financing of the cultural projects of the non-commercial organizations for the 2024 year. Thus, 39 projects get financing at the category of annual projects and another nine projects – at the category of multiannual projects. The budget allocated to this end increase from 10 to 12 million lei.     

„This decision shows the ministry’s commitment to support the diversity and wealth of the cultural initiatives from Moldova. The increase of the funds available will allow financing a larger number of projects, thus contributing to the promotion of the cultural diversity and development of the national cultural stage,’’ Culture Minister Sergiu Prodan said.  

The commission selected more projects for financing. Yet, in the conditions of the provisions of the item 38 of the pre-recorded Regulation, which stipulates that ‘’The winning projects are established through the points got, downward: from 100 to 60 points or from 100 up to the exhausting of the budget established for each topic-related area separately,’’ only the projects which fit into the limits of the budget available were selected.  



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