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Forestry enterprises of Moldova receive 42 forestry equipment to prepare grounds, planting woods

19:14 | 30.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu, at an event on the reception of modern technology for afforestation, has said that the authorities made one more important step in the carrying out of the programme on afforestation – the forestry enterprises of Moldova received 42 forestry equipment worth 60 million lei (modern tractors, woodchippers, rotators) for preparing grounds and planting forests, the presidential press service has reported.      

„I am happy that we have managed to make this investment, expected for many years,’’ President Maia Sandu said.

The head of state stressed that the involvement of each person was needed, in order to grow the woods of Moldova. ‘’We need the contribution of silviculturists, local authorities, environmental organizations and of each citizen. The national programme on afforestation provides for the rehabilitation and extension of the area of forests from Moldova by 145,000 hectares till 2032. If we join our efforts, I am sure that we can be the generation which will afforest Moldova,’’ President Maia Sandu added.      




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