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Germany to deliver 14 more armoured personnel carriers to Moldova

13:50 | 31.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 31 /MOLDPRES/ - Germany will deliver 14 more Piranha armoured personnel carriers to Moldova. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius made the statement at a joint conference with Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatii.

The official thanked German partners for assistance and noted that today's visit coincides with the ceremony of receiving a batch of assistance for the National Army.

"The assistance offered today is another important step in the joint efforts to modernize the army and in particular to provide the manpower with equipment. The equipment for military personnel will considerably improve the situation in terms of emergency medical management and first aid. These are just some of the goods received by the national army over the years from the German government," said Nosatii.

The German official said that in addition to the 19 Piranha armoured personnel carriers that have already arrived in Moldova, the documents for 14 more similar armoured vehicles and air defence systems have been signed. Boris Pistorius added that his country and the European Union would not allow Russia to continue its attempts to destabilise the situation in Moldova.

He noted that Germany will always be on the side of the Republic of Moldova, which is part of the European family and is taking important steps towards EU membership.











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