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New prosecutor general of Moldova starts work

11:18 | 01.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 1 June /MOLDPRES/ - The solemn ceremony on the appointment to office of Moldova’s prosecutor general Ion Munteanu took place at the headquarters of the institution he is to lead today. The new prosecutor general was introduced by President Maia Sandu and the president of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP), Dumitru Obada.    

The ceremony included the taking of oath by the prosecutor general. ‘’You have a complicated mission to ensure a functional prosecutor’s office and the reforms should be carried out better, quicker. Both I and the citizens are waiting for justice to be done and those who committed corruption acts should be sanctioned. We must have honest people at the prosecutor’s office, who work for the Republic of Moldova,’’ Maia Sandu said after Ion Munteanu had taken oath.  

For his part, Dumitru Obada gave assurances that CSP would be with the prosecutor general. ‘’We stay anchored to the values inherent to the rule of law state, as well as to the human rights in a state with a correct prosecutor’s office,’’ the head of Superior Council of Prosecutors said.  

„I come up with a message to the prosecutors to be consolidated, to yield at a maximum, in order to ensure the continuity of the investigations we have. There is no time to lose; we must be efficient for a European Moldova,’’ the new prosecutor general, Ion Munteanu, said.     

On 30 June, the Superior Council of Prosecutors ruled to put forward to the head of state the candidacy of Ion Munteanu for the office of prosecutor general, after the latter had won the contest. 

The office of prosecutor general remained vacant, after Alexandr Stoianoglo had been suspended in 2021 and was dismissed from this position in 2023. Following a decree signed by Moldova’s president on 26 September 2023, the office of prosecutor general became vacant. Subsequently, Dumitru Robu and then Ion Munteanu fulfilled the duties of acting prosecutor general.   






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