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PHOTO More young people participate in march on supporting Moldova's European integration path

18:07 | 01.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 1 June /MOLDPRES/ - Tens of organizations of students and young people of Moldova today participated in a march to support the European integration path of Moldova, held in the centre of Chisinau.     

„There are many of us supporters of the European Union, despite the fact that we daily face the propaganda spread by the Kremlin. We want a prosperous and European future for Moldova; we do not want to be sent away from this country. We are in a crucial moment for Moldova, but we are united in this important process of European integration,’’ the youngest lawmaker of the current parliament, Eugeniu Sinchevici, has said at a rally held outside the parliament building.    

Attending the event, European MP Siegfried Muresan said that ‘’the best thing which we can do today for Moldova’s future, for the Moldovan young people and children is to integrate Moldova into the European Union.’’ ‘’ On 20 October, the referendum on European integration will take place and it will be quite important that, till then, we correctly inform all Moldova’s citizens about the opportunities brought by the European Union. We should tell the people what the European Union is, what benefit it brings to them, we should tell them that the European Union is a project of peace, a project based on freedom, freedom of expression, the freedom to support whom you want, to criticize, without it having consequences in the freedom of movement. At present, the young people in the European Union can study where they want, can live where they want, can work where they want and we want all these things to be achieved for the young people of Moldova as well. The European Union is a project based on values, based on rules, is a project based on solidarity.  In the European Union, we are united also when there are difficulties, as they are in the European Union too; we are not alone; we help each other and overcome them together.  In the long run, Moldova will not be alone, it will always be together with the people from the European Union and we will overcome all these difficulties together. The young people are the principal beneficiaries of the European integration process and the European Union listens to the voice of young people as well,’’ Siegfried Muresan said.    

The European lawmaker urged the Moldovan citizens to be informed about the benefits of the European integration ahead of the next October referendum. „We have the referendum in next October, but we also have European parliamentary elections on 9 June, during which people have chance to go to vote, as all Moldova’s citizens who have Romanian passports have right to vote. The people have chance to go to vote and to say that they care about the European Union’s future. We express our opinion on who is to be in the European Parliament. Today, we proudly display the European Union’s flag; we say that we want the European integration of Moldova,’’ Muresan also said.  

The march started nearby the Unic shop and ended outside the parliament building with more speeches given by participants, who firmly said: ‘’Yes for the European future of Moldova.’’   










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