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About 30,000 pupils to take school-leaving examinations at high schools

09:20 | 03.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - About 30,000 pupils will take national examinations for the graduation of high schools. The session starts today with the exam in the Romanian language and literature for the pupils speaking other languages, in which 5,687 pupils participate.    

The examination in mathematics will take place on 6 June, in which 29,502 pupils from 1,051 education institutions will participate.    

The pupils will take the exam in the language in which their subjects were taught on 10 June 2024. As many as 23,639 pupils will take the examination in the Romanian language and literature and the exam in the Russian language and literature will be held for 5,661 pupils.  

The examination session for the graduates of high school will end with the examination in the History of the Romanians and Universal History, due to take place on 13 June.   

The district/municipal evaluation commissions will verify the examination tests during 3-19 June. The results will be posted on 20 June at each education institution where the exams were held. Pupils can submit applications on the consideration of the contestation to the education institution on 21 June. The final results will be posted on 25 June 2024.  



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