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Head of state says Moldovans' vote for European Parliament backing Moldova's accession to EU important for entire country

10:09 | 03.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has urged Moldova’s citizens holding also the European citizenship to participate in the elections for the European Parliament, due on 6-9 June 2024.  

„Dear Moldovans, I address those who already have European citizenship, either they have Romanian passport, or Bulgarian, Italian, French or of another European Union state. European parliamentary elections take place on 6-9 June and Moldovans’ vote for a European Parliament, which supports Moldova’s accession to EU, is important for the entire country. On 9 June, go to vote to decide the composition of the next European Parliament!’’ Maia Sandu said.    

Fifty two polling stations will be opened for the 9 June European parliamentary elections in Moldova, of which 28 in the Centru area (13 polling stations in Chisinau), 17 polling stations in the northern region and 7 in southern Moldova.  



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