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New hotbed of measles recorded in family with five children from Moldovan capital in last week

16:02 | 03.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - A family with five children has fallen sick with measles. The case took place in Chisinau last week. The deputy head of the medical and social assistance general department of the Chisinau city hall, Vladimir Bolocan, unveiled information to this effect at an operative meeting of the Moldovan capital’s services.    

Bolocan stressed that the children were in safety thanks to physicians’ involvement.

„This is a serious case, but the health condition is stable. We urge the citizens to be vaccinated, in order to prevent disease,’’ Vladimir Bolocan said.  

Specialists remind the residents that there was no specific treatment against the measles; yet, the diseases can be prevented through vaccination.



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