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Moldovan General Police Inspectorate says policemen remove from driving 22 drivers in state of ebriety on last days-off

17:30 | 03.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - Policemen removed 22 drivers in state of ebriety from driving on the last days-off.    

According to the General Police Inspectorate (IGP), patrol agents identified 2,132 drivers who ignored the road traffic regulations.  

Thus, 863 drivers were fined for exceeding the speed limit and 84 – for the failure to connect the safety belt.   

At the same time, 306 people were sanctioned for the non-observance of road signs and 23 – for failure to give legal priority to pedestrians.   

Also, 359 drivers were fined for stopping in banned places.   

On the last days-off, policemen intervened in 203 cases, with the calls received at the 112 single number.  



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