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Group of Moldovan lawmakers participate in exchange of professional experience in USA

15:17 | 03.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - A group of MPs of the parliamentary majority and the opposition pay a study visit to the United States on 3-14 June.  

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, the delegation is made up of lawmakers: the deputy head of the juridical commission for appointments and immunities Vasile Gradinaru, the deputy head of the commission for economy, budget and finances, Valentina Manic, secretary of the commission for agriculture and food industry, Viorel Barda, a member of the  commission for national security, defence and public order, Boris Marcoci, and a member of the Commission for human rights and interethnic relations, Nicolai Rusol.           

Thus, on 3-14 June, the MPs have scheduled activities on exchange of experience in the cities of Washington DC and Raleigh, North Carolina. The study visit takes place within the Open World programme of academic and professional exchange. The visit is financed and organized by the U.S. Congress, Embassy of the United States in Moldova, in cooperation with the American Councils for International Education from Moldova.    

The programme’s goal is to consolidate the cooperation between the United States and Moldova, through the promotion of the mutual agreement and exchange of professional experience between different fields of interest, as well as the interaction with American political leaders.  



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