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Moldovan parliament votes 40 draft normative acts in last May

15:52 | 03.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament in last May voted 40 draft normative acts. Thus, 14 legislative initiatives were approved in the first reading and 26 drafts were approved in the second reading.   

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, the MPs adopted a legislative initiative which envisages the revision of Moldova’s judicial map, as well as the one stipulating that the procedures dealing with succession will be able to be carried out by any notary from Moldova. The parliament voted also for the ratification of international agreements. Thus, the driver’s licences issued by Moldova’s authorities will be recognized in Spain. At the same time, Moldova will benefit from a grant worth 5.4 million euros for the modernization of the infrastructure of solid waste’s management in the northern districts of Briceni, Ocnita, Edinet and Donduseni.  

At the same time, the parliament approved a decision which sees that the presidential elections will be organized on 20 October, on the same day with the republican constitutional referendum, during which the Moldovans will answer the question: ’’Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for Moldova’s accession to the European Union?’’ The parliament adopted a Declaration on condemning Russia for the deportation of Ukrainian children.   

Before being voted in the parliament’s plenum, the drafts were considered in standing commissions. In May 2024, the parliamentary commissions held 28 meetings, during which 33 reports, 10 co-reports and 47 notifications were approved.




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