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Moldovan Defence Ministry says military hardware continues to move on national roads

10:49 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Defence Ministry today repeatedly informed that, during May-July, the National Army’s military hardware would move from places of permanent deployment to ones of temporary one.       

The military hardware will move on national roads from the central and northern Moldova at night, in order not to disturb the road traffic.

„The action takes place, given the process of renovation  of National Army’s military units and in this context, the detachment of the military hardware provided is scheduled,’’ the Defence Ministry noted.

The quoted source also said that the movement of the military hardware took place in accordance with the National Army’s activity plan for the 2024 year and has no connection with the security situation in the region.    

In these conditions, the Defence Ministry urged citizens not to distribute information non-confirmed by official sources.  



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