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Moldovan national energy regulator says diesel price decreases to lowest level in 2024

16:32 | 05.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) finds out that the general tendency which started in the second half of last April, characterized by a constant decrease in the prices for fuels, gets to bring the lowest prices this year.    

Thus, the present price for diesel registers not only the lowest level for this year, but also for a period of consideration of 11 months in a row.  

The price for petrol has also been constantly dropping, reaching values comparable to the ones in the beginning of this year.   

The wave of cheapenings, which started in April 2024, triggered a decrease in the prices both for petrol and diesel of about 2 lei per one litre.  

In these conditions, for 6 June, ANRE announced a maximal price of 24.47 lei per one litre for the COR 95 petrol, down by 0.12 lei. At the same time, the diesel will be sold for 20.49 lei per one litre at the most, decreasing by 0.10 lei.



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