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Moldovan parliament speaker on visit to central Calarasi district

19:30 | 05.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has paid a working visit to the central Calarasi district. On visit, the speaker discussed with mayors and representatives of local authorities the problems faced by the community, as well as what the central authorities should do to have an efficient public administration, which works for settlements’ modernization, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.    

The parliament speaker noted that, in the last two years alone, over 50 million lei had been invested in over 30 projects through the European Village and Express European Village programmes. The concerned projects provided the citizens with drinking water, street illumination, renovated roads and other modernized public interest objects.  

In the Hirova village, Igor Grosu discussed with local residents how the settlement was changing, as well as opportunities provided by the governance to people. ‘’I saw a village which changes its look, with the arrangement of a square for walking, as well as sports fields – one for volley ball, another one for mini-football and a fitness area. We discussed also the importance of the elections from 9 June, in which the citizens with European passports should participate, in order to elect the lawmakers of the European Parliament, as well as the referendum due in next autumn. All these will help edify the European Moldova at home,’’ the parliament speaker said.     

In the Pitusca village, the parliament speaker visited Vasile Tataru, the owner of a wine cellar which bears his name and which has become known all over Moldova. The Tataru family cultivated, during more years, technical grapes on an area of nine hectares and starting from 2019, he began building the Tataru Cellar, placed  under the house where his family lives. ‘’Mr. Vasile Tataru recognizes that, besides much work and passion, programmes on support of wine-makers, provided by USAID, were quite helpful, which allowed his wine reach consumers’ tables so nicely bottled. We will continue, along with our partners, to support the small wine producers and I am sure that, in the near future, the wine of Tataru family will reach the markets of the European Union countries as well ,’’ Igor Grosu said.       






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