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Moldovan PM meets footballers of national team

19:54 | 05.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will have a new, modern stadium, constructed according to the standards of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). Prime Minister Dorin Recean has made statements to this effect during a visit to the Centre of Training of Moldova’s National Teams, the government’s communication department reported.  

„We will build a new, modern stadium, of the fourth UEFA category, with 20,000-25,000 places. This announcement for years has been expected by our footballers and hundreds of thousands of amateurs and people fond of football from our country,’’ the PM said.       

The prime minister noted that, after the Moldovan Football Federation (FMF) had already carried out a pre-feasibility study, the state, through the Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry, was to start the carrying out of a feasibility study, elaborate the project of the future arena and provide the ground needed for the construction, which will not last more than five years. More details on the project of the national stadium will be provided at a news conference due next week.      

The PM made a tour of the Centre of Training of Moldova’s National Teams, talked to football players of the national team of seniors, as well as with the U-21 one, the main coach, members of the staff and the FMF leadership. In discussions, the prime minister thanked the coaches and wished success to the national team, which prepares for two friendly matches due in Chisinau: with Cyprus on 8 June and with Ukraine on 11 June.   

„We thank you that, through discipline and performances, you make Moldova proud, that you help us create a positive image of our country. You are all a team and together we can make things evolve,’’ the PM also said.   

The sports complex from Vadul lui Voda was opened in 2002, with the support of UEFA and FIFA. The complex is placed on an area of six hectares and has a modern infrastructure, needed in the process of training, medical rehabilitation and physical recovery of sportspeople.   







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