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Moldovan government approves amendments to Law on citizenship

22:40 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The government today approved a draft law which provides for amendments to the Law on Moldova’s citizenship. According to them, the people born in Moldova, which are not in the records of the authorities and do not hold the citizenship of this country, will be able to initiate the procedure of recognition as citizen, based on an application. Earlier, the action has taken place following the taking note by the competent bodies.      

At the same time, the circle of people which fall under the action of the reasons of refusal for recognition as citizen of Moldova will grow. ‘’ The geopolitical situation in the region triggered a large number of applications for the acquiring of Moldova’s citizenship. We speak out for the prevention of eventual situations, in which forged information is unveiled or the citizenship is given to people who can affect the state’s security,’’ Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru said.  

Another adjusting deal with the time the competent bodies have at their disposal for the consideration of the applications on the providing, re-acquiring and recognition of the citizenship. The term will be able to be extended by six months.

Moldova must comply with a string of international obligations. Thus, the fact that the applicant, on the period of the examination of the application on providing the citizenship, serves a term in prison or has to serve it, has unextinguished criminal record or is under criminal prosecution, will no longer serve as ground for refusal, if there is risk of his/her recognition as stateless person.   

The Justice Ministry informed that the aforementioned amendments would remove the legislative vulnerabilities and risks to the state’s security and public order.  



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