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Admirers of classical music bring together at Tighina Fortress at pop symphony concert in open air

12:46 | 12.06.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - The summer edition of the Pop Symphony Concert at Fortress, organized at the Tighina (Bender) Fortress, has brought together admirers of classical music from both banks of Dniester. The concert of the Moldovan National Youth Orchestra (MNYO) was backed by the European Union through the Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova.       

The event, traditionally organized in the beginning of the summer, has reached its sixth edition. The concerts given by MNYO at the Tighina Fortress become popular, with the tickets sold by much time before the event. On the evening of the concert, those 50 young musicians who got on stage along with soloists Felicia Dunaf, Stas Goncear, Simona and Radu Dolgan, created a show by re-singing pop songs in symphony version.    

Year after year, the MNYO’s concerts organized at the Tighina Fortress bring together thousands of people in open air. This time, conductor Adriano Marian came with an original symphony music concert. ‘’Each time when I return to the Tighina Fortress, I meet a kind and respectful audience, not to speak about the fact that the concerned place has a special energy. The joy is even greater when we are everybody aware that the music unites in the same place the music lovers from the two banks of Dniester. Along with EU, UNDP and the host – the Tighina Fortress, during six years, we have brought by our side over 10,000 people – a nice result achieved through cultural diplomacy. I say with confidence that such summer concerts will continue at the Tighina Fortress,’’ the conductor and head of MNYO, Adriano Marian, said.         

The Pop Symphony Concert at Fortress is the sixth concert held by MNYO with the support of EU and UNDP. Following the restoration and conservation made with the support of the EU’s Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP, the tourist potential of the Tighina Fortress grew even more. The Confidence Building Measures Programme, financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, contributes to the consolidation of the trust between the residents on the two banks of Dniester, through their involvement in joint development projects.  


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