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PM conveys message in context of commemorating first wave of deportations from Moldova

09:46 | 13.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has conveyed a message, in the context of the commemoration of the first wave of deportations. The official noted that the suffering of those people and the injustice to which they were subjected must never be forgotten.    

„Our people never wanted war, only peace. Yet, nobody asked us what choice we want to make. During the first wave of deportations from 1941, on the night from 12 to 13 June, several tens of thousands of innocent people were driven away from their homes, separated from their beloved people and sent to the most far away regions of the former USSR. Many of them never returned and the life of the repressed people changed forever. This is the first episode of a string of repressions to which hundreds of thousands of people who lived on the current territory of Moldova were subjected, no matter the ethnic group they belonged to,’’ the PM said.  

The official said that, during July, when we will mark 75 years since the second wave of deportations, a string of events dedicated to the commemoration of the victims of the Stalinist deportations and repressions would be organized.    

„We have the duty to keep in memory also the suffering to which they were subjected unjustly. Deported thousands kilometers far away, these people preserved their dignity and identity, leaving behind life lessons which we should learn, so that such things no longer happen. Including for this we edify the European Moldova, which is to eventually lead us irreversibly to an area of freedom, of peace, of welfare and safety of the future,’’ the prime minister added.   

The 83rd anniversary of the first wave of Soviet deportations from Bessarabia and North Bukovina, which took place on the night of 12 to 13 June 1941, is marked today.    



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