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Young specialists in medicine, pharmacy from Moldova to receive nigher compensations, allowances

14:54 | 13.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The young specialists in the medicine and pharmacy fields will benefit from increased allowances and compensations from the state budget. The parliament today voted for the draft on amendment of the Law on health care in the first reading.  

The new provisions are aimed at attracting and keeping the young specialists in the medical system, especially in the rural areas and small towns, where an insufficiency of medical staff is recorded. Thus, the young specialists with higher degree education (optometrists, medical assistance with degree, technicians radiologists, etc.) were included in the list of beneficiaries of allowances and compensations provided from the state budget.    

According to the legislative initiative, the compulsory period of work was extended from 3 to 5 years after the distribution, as well as of providing facilities, including increased allowances to the graduates with degree higher education in medicine and with post-graduate residency education. Also, the medical, sanitary and pharmaceutical employees of the public medical and sanitary institutions from cities and villages, including from the Chisinau and Balti municipalities, who have their residence outside the settlement where they work, will benefit from the compensation of the expenses for the travel to the place of work and home.       

According to statistics data, in 2022, about 12,600 physicians and 23,687 medical staff with secondary education were working in the health care system. A greater deficit of specialists is recorded at the following specialists: family medicine, anaesthesia and intensive therapy, radiology and medical imagistics, internal medicine, emergency medicine, cardiology and pediatrics.     

The initiative on the amendment of the Law on health care belongs to the Health Ministry. The sum of allowances and compensations, as well as the way of their providing will be established by the government.   

The document will be considered in parliament in the second reading as well.



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