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Moldovan president urges citizens to take care of them, their families in bad weather

09:36 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has come up with a call to the citizens, urging them to take care of them and their families, given the warning of weather forecasters of heavy rainfall and thunderstorm. The head of state conveyed condolences to the families of the two persons who had died in the wake of the storm.     

„The storm caused significant damages, but more tragic, it took the lives of the families of two persons. Condolences to the grieving families! Unfortunately, the extreme weather phenomena are ever more frequent and this means that we must know the rules of behavior, in order to be able to better protect ourselves,’’ Maia Sandu said in a message posted on social networks.    

Maia Sandu urges the citizens to avoid unimportant travels and supervise their children and call the 112 single emergency service in case of risky situations.

The Moldovan president offered thanks to the employees of the institutions in charge, who worked without interruptions to remove the consequences of the bad weather.  

„I want to thank all those who days and nights participated in the liquidation of the consequences of these storms and especially for the fact that they were with people and provided them the first aid. Take care of you!’’ Maia Sandu added.  

The State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) extended the warning of Yellow Code of atmospheric instability for 14 June. According to meteorologists, thunderstorms are forecast, possibly with hail.   

Rescuers recommend that the citizens abstain from trips during rains, and if caught by rain, shelter themselves in a building or vehicle far from electricity wires and trees, which may fall down on cars.   

At the same time, people are urged to avoid staying before the storm, during it and after the storm under tall buildings and installations, such as pillars, towers of tall trees. Also, citizens are asked not to touch or step on cables which fell down. 

The storm of the last days killed two persons, crushed by branches of trees which fell heavily because of the strong wind.   

According to forecasts, after 14 June, the storms’ intensity will weaken and hot weather is expected.


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