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PHOTO // Roadmen carry out works of cleaning roads. Moldova's State Administration of Roads warn participants in traffic to avoid areas hit by rains

13:32 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - Teams of roadmen are mobilized, in order to remove the consequences of the bad weather. The interventions are carried out in the districts of Nisporeni, Cahul, Ocnita, Taraclia, Sangerei, Floresti, Anenii Noi, Cimislia, Cainari and other areas hit.     

Roadmen carry out works of cleaning the roadway, in order to remove accumulations of water, mud and gravel, thus ensuring the best conditions of safety for the road traffic. The State Administration of Roads (ASD) said that the works continued and the information was updated constantly and details on the state of roads would be provided during the day.   

According to weather forecasts, the atmospheric instability is maintained today too. Thus, heavy thunderstorm rainfall is expected in most regions. The accumulations of water will reach 15-30 litres/square metre and the wind’s speed is forecast to reach 15-20 metres/second.      

In the context, ASD warns all participants in the traffic to move with prudence and avoid the areas hit. Also, it recommends the avoiding of standing under trees or in dangerous places, as well as the limiting of non-essential trips.  







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