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Moldovan Civil Aviation Authority comes up with specifications on Yerevan-Chisinau flight, re-directed to Bucharest

20:48 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Civil Aviation Authority (AAC) today came up with specifications on the Chisinau-Yerevan-Chisinau flight, about which the media from Romania wrote that it was re-directed to Bucharest. The institution informed that ‘’the operator did not notify AAC about the changes in the schedule by three days before, as the legislation stipulates and as a result, this flight did not receive the approval necessary.’’        

„As for the information distributed by some media sources, which regard the cancellation of the Chisinau-Yerevan-Chisinau flight, the Civil Aviation Authority comes up with the following clarifications which reasons this decision: in accordance with the Government Decision No 870, the air operators are obliged to notify AAC about any change in the schedule of flights and the additional flights, in order to get the preliminary approval needed. In the case of the RMO-EVN-RMO flight, these requirements were not observed,’’ AAC said.    

Thus, according to the quoted source, the operator did not notify AAC about the changes in schedule by three days before, just as the legislation provides for. ‘’As a result, this flight did not receive the approval needed,’’ AAC added.   

The Civil Aviation Authority reiterated the necessity for the air operators to observe the national regulations.  

The Romanian media today wrote that an aircraft Chisinau-Yerevan-Chisinau, which was to arrive in Chisinau, demanded to make an unscheduled stopover in Bucharest. According to the first information spread in the public space, the decision would have been taken after a scandal appeared onboard the airship, being signaled, at the same time, a bomb alert, information sources said.     



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