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Average pension grows by 16.4 per cent in Moldova in 2023

21:15 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - The average pension in the last year grew by 16.4 per cent and stood at 3,683.62 lei. The data is included in the report on the fulfillment of the state social insurances budget (BASS) in the 2023 year, unveiled in parliament today.   

During the last year, the Law on the state social insurances budget was subjected to amendment three times. The amendments were prompted by the dynamic of the beneficiaries and social benefits, by the revision of the forecast of the principal macroeconomic indicators, as well as by the need of implementation of the new measures approved, with impact on BASS.   

In 2023, the revenues made stood at 38,604.6 million lei and the expenses – 38, 524.7 million lei, with a surplus of 79.8 million lei. The level of the budget’s fulfillment was of 99.1 per cent. The financial resources were used for the establishment of different social benefits.     

Proceeding from the large number of requests, some social benefits needed additional financial allocations. They regard the indexation of pensions, re-examination of old age pensions and disability pensions, increase in state allocations, providing of compensations for energy, maternity allowances, death benefit, increase of the one-off child-birth allowance.   

The estimated expenses borne from BASS and the state budget for pensions’ indexation stood at 3,058.5 million lei. As compared with 2022, the effective expenses for the payment of pensions and state social insurances were by 3.6 billion lei higher or up by 17.9 per cent. The number of beneficiaries of old age pensions on 1 January 2024 was of 528,666 people. The average pension in the last year grew by 16.4 per cent and stood at 3,683.62 lei. Also in 2023, there were 98,823 beneficiaries of disability pensions, with the expenses amounting to 2,553.6 million lei. A number of 11,802 people benefited from survivor pensions and the sum for payment for this type of pensions was of 386.6 million lei.  

To back the residents on the cold period of the year and provide compensations in invoice, financial resources worth 183.4 million lei were needed. Also, at present, 65,175 children receive allowance worth 1,000 lei till the age of two years and the 40,137 people benefit from allowance for bringing up children.     


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