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Medical Worker and Pharmacist Day marked in Moldova. Message by Health Ministry

18:28 | 16.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 16 June /MOLDPRES/ - The medical employees and pharmacists of Moldova today mark their professional day. On this occasion, Health Minister Ala Nemerenco has come up with a congratulatory message, in which she appreciates the work of the physicians and pharmacists. At the same time, the minister urges the society to treat with much respect the people who often carry out an ‘’often exhausting’’, ‘’soul-lifting’’ and ‘noble’’ work.       

The Health Ministry offers thanks and expresses appreciation to the medical employees and pharmacists from Moldova. In a press release, the institution says that ‘’these wonderful people fulfill their noble mission with self-denial and stay devoted to the creed of the profession.’’   

„Every day, they put their knowledge, compassion and energy in the service of patients, often at the cost of their own health and of the time spent with the dear people. Congratulations, dear colleagues! Thank you for the professionalism and devotion, for sleepless nights, resistance and optimism in difficult moments, especially for the care which you unconditionally provide to suffering people,’’ reads the Health Ministry’s communique.

Health Minister Ala Nemerenco also came up with a congratulatory message for the medical workers and pharmacists of Moldova.    

„Thank you with gratitude for your daily work, often exhausting, up to sacrifice, but also soul-lifting and noble, for the sleepless nights, for successful resuscitations, restarted hearts, saved lives and returned smiles, for the emotions and even your life lived at the maximum. Do the others know and understand this? Respect the physicians, understand their sorrow and tiredness in the eyes and do not treat it with lack of attitude. ‘’I will preserve my art and will lead by life sacred and clean.’’ This was like this and it should always be like this, just as the oath reads,’’ the ministry’s message reads.     

The Health Ministry gives assurances that it will make, in continuation, efforts to create conditions for work through considerable investments in the modernization of the medical institutions, as well as through the implementation of policies of motivation and professional development.  

The Medical Worker and Pharmacist Day is annually marked in Moldova on the third Sunday of June.

„This is a day of gratitude, appreciation and of deep respect for all professionals in the medical and pharmaceutical field,’’ the Health Ministry says.

According to data by the National Statistics Bureau, there are 12,600 physicians and 23,687 medical employees, medium level medical staff in Moldova.  








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