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EU provides Moldova with support of 2 million euros for consolidation of capacities of public order maintaining forces

20:29 | 17.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 June /MOLDPRES/ - The capacities of the forces keeping the public order of Moldova’s Interior Ministry (MAI) will be consolidated with the support of the European Union. The project, worth 2 million euros, will be implemented during three years and is aimed at strengthening the responsibility, transparency and professionalism of forces keeping the public order. The ceremony on the signing of the new project financed by EU – EU4Public Order, took place today.      

The project will back the MAI order maintaining forces, paying special attention to the General Inspectorate of Carabineers (IGC) in its powers dealing with the public order and security. It regards both the prevention and combating of the criminality, advancing, at the same time, in the human rights field.  

The initiative will improve the technical and management capacities for the providing of quality public order services and will back the digitalization of the key processes for the management of resources.

At the signing event, Interior Minister Adrian Efros said that this project was not a mere initiative – it is a display of the decision-makers’ firm commitment to the structural reforms, transparency and professionalism. ‘’Through the strategic partnership with the European Union and the support provided by the Arma dei Carabineri and Italian experts, we are set to consolidate the technical capacities, to modernize the digital infrastructure and improve the efficiency of our services for citizens,’’ Efros noted.    

Ambassador of the European Union to Moldova Jānis Mažeiks said that the new project would strengthen the institutional and operational capacities of the law-enforcement structures from Moldova in the security and public order sector, paying special attention to the forces of carabineers from Moldova.   

Ambassador of Italy to Moldova Lorenzo Tomassoni said that this project was important for Moldova, ‘’which presently faces a string of threats, both inside the country and at the foreign level.’’  

The components of the EU4Public Order project regard the support of the implementation of the national Strategy for the public order and security. The project’s activities will include training and consultancy, as well as the modernization of the digital equipment.    



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