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Moldova and Italy, Joint Declaration in support of EU accession

13:03 | 18.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 18 June /MOLDPRES/ - Italy will support the Republic of Moldova in the European integration in order to ensure EU accession. A joint declaration in support of Moldova's European integration was signed today in Chisinau during the official visit of Italian President Sergio Mattarella. "Values, history and culture link the future of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union", said the Italian Head of State. "Italy's support shows that our country has friends and encourages us to face all challenges", said Maia Sandu.

In the morning, Italian President Sergio Mattarella was received with honours by Maia Sandu at the Presidency in an official ceremony. The meeting between the two heads of state followed, after which Maia Sandu and Sergio Mattarella came out in front of journalists.

The Republic of Moldova and the Italian Republic signed a Joint Declaration in support of Moldova's accession to the European Union. The document was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Cristina Gherasimov and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic Edmondo Cirielli.

The Italian Head of State welcomed the official start of negotiations for Moldova's accession to the European Union and gave assurances that Italy would be there to support the country.

"We are pleased that the negotiating frameworks for Moldova's accession to the EU have been approved. Italy will continue to stand by Moldova in this complex process. The EU is a community of values and legal norms and Moldovan citizens are part of the family. I am sure that our future will be common", added Mattarella.

The Italian President's visit sends a strong message of friendship and support for our country, especially in the current complicated regional security context, said Maia Sandu. At the same time, the President stressed that the two countries support the commitment to work together for a prosperous and European future.

"I am honoured to host the first official visit of a President of the Italian Republic to the Republic of Moldova. I greet you today in Chisinau exactly three years after my official visit to Rome, where you hosted me with great openness and warmth. I am glad to see that over the years Moldova and Italy have developed ever closer relations for the benefit of our citizens. We are united by the cultural closeness between our countries and between our citizens who share the same European value system. We are making a firm effort towards European integration and greatly appreciate your country's support. The Joint Declaration is a further strong sign of support for this endeavour. Italy's support shows us that our country has friends and encourages us to face all challenges. I urge all citizens to participate in the referendum on EU accession, we are optimistic in this process, but remain vigilant against the war provoked by Russia in Ukraine", said Maia Sandu.

Sergio Mattarella thanked her for the warm welcome. The official stressed that the meeting three years ago with President Maia Sandu had enabled bilateral relations to be relaunched.

"Bilateral relations are intense, with strong ties uniting our countries. The Moldovan community in Italy is very numerous, well integrated, active and highly appreciated. We share common - European - values, that is why Italy supports the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union", Sergio Mattarella noted.

This is the first official visit of an Italian Head of State to the Republic of Moldova.

Italy is an important partner of the Republic of Moldova. The country hosts the largest Moldovan diaspora community. Cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Italy takes place on many levels. Italy is Moldova's sixth largest trading partner, with more than 1,200 Italian-owned companies present in our country.








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