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Moldovan president hopes for positive decision following Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference

18:48 | 18.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 18 June /MOLDPRES/ – The Moldovan authorities expect the official launch of the negotiations on the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to the European Union following the Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference. ‘’We hope to have a positive decision,’’ President Maia Sandu said, referring to the first intergovernmental meeting, due in Brussels on 25 June 2024.     

„We committed to prepare Moldova for the European integration till 2030. We work as seriously as possible. We will continue doing this more and better, in order to be able to fulfill this commitment. We voice hope that both the European institutions and the member states will be ready for our accession. We thank Italy and all EU states for supporting us at this point,’’ Maia Sandu said.  

„We want to have a positive decision for Moldova and Ukraine,’’ the head of state stressed.      

The statement was made at the news conference held jointly with President of Italy Sergio Mattarella, on an official visit to Moldova.   

„Italy fully backs Moldova in the process of accession to the European Union. We welcome the decision to start the Intergovernmental Conference and we want to contribute to the achievement of the European standards by Moldova. Historically, the country is part of the European family,’’ Sergio Mattarella said.  

The European Union officially opens the negotiations on the accession of Moldova and Ukraine. On 25 June, the Belgian Presidency of EU will summon the first intergovernmental conferences with the two countries.   

Deputy Prime minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov has recently informed that the ambassadors of the European Union member states had accepted, on principle, the frameworks of negotiation for the official opening of the negotiations on accession with Moldova and Ukraine.  

The European Council at the summit from 14 December 2023 ruled to start the negotiations on accession with Moldova and Ukraine. The decision was taken, after both countries had submitted applications on accession to EU and got the status of country candidate for accession two years ago.   





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