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Deputy Prime Minister, heads of district directorates approached consequences of rains on agricultural crops

14:26 | 19.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/- Multi-year sowings and plantations are in good and satisfactory condition, and farmers are preparing the agricultural technique to start the harvesting campaign of agricultural crops such as barley. Recent rains have caused damage in several parts of the country, and responsible people are to go on site to assess the damage. The issues were discussed today at an online meeting between Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry and heads of district agricultural directorates.

According to the head of the Briceni district agricultural directorate, Iulia Jeleznii, field crops are in good condition, thanks to the recent rainfall, which has contributed to good plant development. The harvest season is approaching and farmers are preparing their warehouses and agricultural equipment for harvesting.

"The autumn wheat yield is forecast at around 4.5 to 5 tons per hectare, slightly less than last year when we averaged 5.4 tons per hectare. We also had calamities. The hail rains affected several hectares of orchards. The estimated value of the compromised production is 1.58 million lei. At the district level, 18 acts of ascertainment of the consequences of natural disasters were issued", said Yulia Jeleznii.

Larisa Vilcu, head of the district agricultural directorate in Cantemir, said that the district officials have begun assessing the condition of Group I agricultural crops, based on requests from economic agents.

The head of the Ungheni Agricultural Directorate, Viorel Scutaru, said that in Ungheni two areas were affected by hail: Zagarancea and Măcărești.

In this context, Bolea noted that the authorities are developing a new system to protect the border areas from hail.

At the end of the meeting, Bolea explained to the heads of district agricultural directorates the benefits of creating agricultural chambers in our country, stressing their necessity to solve many problems in the agricultural sector, especially for micro, small and medium producers.




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