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Raids at Balti City Hall

13:44 | 19.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 June. /MOLDPRES/- A corruption scheme by abusive dispossession of assets of socially vulnerable people, under the control of the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Family Protection of the Balti City Hall has been uncovered by the CNA and prosecutors. At least two elderly people were left homeless after allegedly signing deeds of donation of apartments for the benefit of employees.

According to the CNA, during 2022, decision-makers from the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Family Protection of the Balti City Hall, notarized a power of attorney by which they empowered a social worker to administer all the property of socially vulnerable people. By this power of attorney, the social worker was designated as the exclusive heir of all the person's property, the actions being aimed at illegally dispossessing the person of the property he owned.

In another case, the same employees executed and authenticated powers of attorney and maintenance contracts for life by which the owner entrusted them with the right to use his property.

Law enforcement officers are also examining the case of the transmission of 5000 euros by an employee of the Directorate of the Balti City Hall to decision-makers of the subdivision. 

Following today's raids, CNA officers detained for 72 hours a head of department of the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Family Protection of Balti City Hall. 

A criminal case for abuse of office has been opened in this case.



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