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Group of European People's Party from European Parliament has new deputy president

15:24 | 19.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/ - Siegfried Muresan today was elected as deputy president of the Group of European People’s Party (EPP) from the European Parliament. A number of 151 out of 170 validly expressed votes were given for his candidacy. Muresan noted that, in the next mandate, he would fully support Moldova in the process of accession to the European Union.    

„In the previous mandate of deputy president, I got the support of EPP Group for defending the interests of the Romanian farmers and for backing the European integration of Moldova. In the next mandate, I will support the creation of a pro-European majority in the European Parliament, along with the other pro-European political families and under our leadership, of EPP Group, in their capacity of winners of the European elections. I will also back Moldova in the process of accession to the European Union. Not in the least, I will support all the measures which lead to the guaranteeing of security inside the European Union,’’ Muresan said.    

The European parliamentary elections took place on 6-9 June 2024. As many as 720 European lawmakers were elected at these polls.  




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