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Moldova advances in world gender equality ranking

15:57 | 19.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova has advanced in the world gender equality ranking. This year, the country ranked 13th out of those 146 countries, going up six positions against the 2023 year.   

„We move to top! This year, Moldova ranked 13th out of 146 countries in the world gender equality ranking. This is by six positions higher as compared with the 2023 year. More occupation services, more creches and kindergartens repaired, more options of use of the child-care leave, more programmes on combating the violence, more women in police – this is how we edify the inclusive Moldova,’’ Labour and Social Protection Minister Alexei Buzu said.    

In the world gender equality ranking, Moldova is outrun by such countries as Germany, Spain, Lithuania, Belgium. At the same time, Moldova is followed by the United Kingdom and Denmark. Iceland is on the first position in the ranking.

The ensuring of the gender equality and the defence of women’s rights is described as one of the priorities of the authorities; so far, more initiatives have been approved, meant to improve the conditions of living of women and promote them in the social life.




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