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Moldovan Prime Minister pays working visit to Stefan Voda district

11:13 | 20.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean is on a working visit to Stefan Voda district today to meet with mayors and representatives of decentralised services in the district.

He will visit the Cultural House in the village of Volintiri, renovated as part of the European Village Express project, and will discuss the intention of amalgamation with the mayors of Volintiri and Copceac villages.

On World Refugee Day, the official will also visit Dimitrie Cantemir gymnasium in Stefan Voda, which has a digital classroom, repaired by the Ministry of Education and Research project - Edu Tech Lab, where refugee children from Ukraine carry out activities.

The Prime Minister's agenda also includes a visit to two companies. 


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