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Moldovan deputy PM for European integration, extra-parliamentary parties discuss Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference

15:06 | 20.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov today had a meeting with representatives of the extra-parliamentary parties, in order to inform about the developments on the European agenda and consult the general position of negotiation of Moldova for the first Intergovernmental Conference due on 25 June.   

The official thanked the parties which had displayed interest in contributing to the process of the country’s preparation at the stage of pre-accession to EU.  

„We continue the dialogue and the consultations with the extra-parliamentary political parties on the subject of European integration. On the eve of the first Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference, I met representatives of these political formations, in order to inform about the developments on the European agenda and consult the general position of negotiation of Moldova for the first Intergovernmental Conference. I urged the participants in the discussions to actively get involved, along with the colleagues from their parties, in the promotion of the European values in their settlements,’’ Cristina Gherasimov said.     

The European Union informed that it officially opened the negotiations on the accession of Moldova and Ukraine. On 25 June, the EU’s Belgian Presidency will summon the first intergovernmental conferences with the two countries.  

Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov has earlier said that the ambassadors of the European Union member countries accepted, on principle, the frameworks of negotiation for the official opening of the negotiations on accession with Moldova and Ukraine.  

The European Council ruled to start the negotiations on accession with Moldova and Ukraine at the Summit from 14 December 2023. The decision was taken, after both states had submitted applications on accession to EU and got the status of country candidate for accession two years ago.  


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