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Moldovan foreign affairs minister meets Austrian minister for European and international affairs

16:05 | 20.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi has had a meeting with Federal Minister of European and International Affairs of Austria Alexander Schallenberg    

The officials referred to the boosting of the bilateral dialogue, economic and sectoral cooperation, as well as the consolidation of the cooperation in the regional formats, such as the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), the chairmanship of which is currently held by Austria.   

„I also tackled the steps necessary for Moldova to get the status of member of the European Union in the near future and reiterated the importance of the support on behalf of Austria in the accession process. For his part, Minister Alexander Schallenberg assured that his country would continue backing Moldova in the reforms process, through the implementation of projects at the central and regional levels.    

Along with Alexander Schallenberg, I agreed on continuing the joint efforts and the close coordination on priority aspects of the bilateral agenda, as well as of the European agenda of Moldova,’’ the head of the Moldovan diplomacy, Mihai Popsoi, said.    





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