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European Village: modern leisure and recreation area in Niscani, Calarasi

12:46 | 21.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/-  A modern space for recreation and leisure has been set up in Niscani village, Călărași district. The works were carried out under the European Village program, first edition, and cost about 3 million lei.

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development, a summer street was built in the center of the locality and the adjacent land was landscaped. A stadium with volleyball, basketball, handball and fitness courts was also built. A children's playground has also been set up.

The total value of the project in Nișcani amounts to 2.985 million lei. The money was allocated by the Moldovan Government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development. The community contributed 27 thousand lei to the project.

According to mayor of the village Petru Sorici, the European Village program is a second chance for Moldovan villages to remain reliable, with secure prospects for development.

ONDRL data reveal that so far, within the European Village, first edition, 416 projects have been completed out of the total of 496 approved.







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