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National Health Insurance Company to evaluate medical technologies

14:12 | 21.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/-  National Health Insurance Company (CNAM) will have a new task. The Cabinet has adopted several changes.

According to the Cabinet decision, the new task will be to evaluate medical technologies and provide essential information in the decision-making process with regard to the allocation of financial means from compulsory health insurance funds for the procurement of health services based on the most efficient technologies.

According to the CNAM, the health technology assessment mechanism is applied internationally to medicines and medical devices, as well as to tariffs, medical services and public health programmes. CNAM is currently using this mechanism for compensated medicines and medical devices. The evaluation of a pharmaceutical product for inclusion in the list of compensated products is carried out in terms of safety, cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis.

Among the benefits to be gained from the CNAM's exercise of its new role are the identification of the most effective and safe technologies available on the market, the optimisation of the cost-benefit ratio in the use of financial resources and the increase in the quality of health services.



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