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Moldova marks Sovereignty Day

18:05 | 23.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 June /MOLDPRES/- Moldova celebrates Sovereignty Day today. The Declaration of Sovereignty was adopted 34 years ago, on June 23, 1990, by the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic.

According to historians, the Declaration was adopted in a complex historical context, marked by a parade of sovereignties, a process that spanned the entire Soviet space. 

The adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty was the first major victory of the democratic forces in the struggle for national revival and liberation. The Declaration of Sovereignty stipulates that the sovereignty of the Moldovan SSR is the sole and necessary condition for the existence of the Moldovan statehood. It affirms the supremacy of the laws of the Moldovan SSR over those of the Union, establishes citizenship and provides for the sovereign right to maintain diplomatic relations with all countries of the world.

At the same time, the document stipulates the unitary and indivisible character of the state. It is established that the Moldovan SSR respects the UN statute and expresses its adherence to the principles of this organization, declares itself a demilitarized zone, actively promotes the consolidation of peace and security, is directly involved in the process of cooperation and security as well as in European structures.

Finally, Article 13 of the document stipulates that "this Declaration serves as a basis for the drafting of the new Constitution of the Moldovan SSR, the improvement of the republican legislation and as a position of the Moldovan SSR for the preparation and conclusion of the Union Treaty within the community of sovereign states".

The Declaration of Sovereignty was voted with one abstention.

On June 23, 1991, on the first anniversary of the proclamation of the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, the first series of postage stamps bearing the attributes of statehood - the Coat of Arms and the Flag - was put into circulation in Chisinau.


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