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Universal Day of Traditional Blouse marked in Moldova

12:06 | 24.06.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 24 June /MOLDPRES/- Every year since 2013, the Universal Day of the Traditional Blouse is celebrated on 24 June. In Chisinau the holiday is marked by several events, including an exhibition of traditional shirts at the Technical University of Moldova.

Today with a message dedicated to this holiday, the Foreign Ministry's leadership said "the employees of the institution wear with pride and joy the traditional shirt, whether they are at home or in the diplomatic mission, whether they choose it on a special event or on a regular day".

"We pay homage to folk craftsmen, thus contributing to the preservation and promotion of national traditions. The shirt is a symbol of our cultural identity. When we wear it, we remember our ancestors and the values they passed on. It is a way of honoring the past and showing our pride in our culture and customs," reads the MAE statement.

The event is currently celebrated in more than 60 countries and 130 localities with over 200 events. It has become part of the annual program of museums and cultural institutions in Romania and abroad, and is marked both by Romanian embassies and diplomatic missions in Romania.









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