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Symbolic gesture in Chisinau: Parliament Square illuminated last night in colors of European Union flag

11:12 | 26.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, June 26 /MOLDPRES/- After the opening of the EU accession negotiations, last night the Parliament square was illuminated in the colors of the EU flag.

"Another step towards a European Moldova! We have a long road ahead, where each of us will have to put in effort and determination to strengthen institutions, continue the fight against corruption, grow the economy. They are natural things that each of us wants and will bring us closer to the standards of the European Union", Speaker Igor Grosu said.

Previously, the Parliament adopted the Declaration on European integration of the Republic of Moldova. The document expresses the conviction that only the accession to the European Union will ensure the future of our country as a sovereign, neutral, integral and democratic state, and the irreversible path of European integration and accession is a national priority project of the Republic of Moldova. Through this Declaration, the deputies appeal to the whole society for unity and solidarity for a peaceful and European future of our country, in the name of the national interest and strategic goal - the integration and accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union.

The Republic of Moldova signed the Association Agreement with the EU in 2014. On March 3, 2022, the authorities in Chisinau signed the application for our country's accession to the EU. The European Union granted the candidate country status for Moldova on 23 June 2022. On December 14, 2023, the European Council decided to start the accession negotiations of the Republic of Moldova to the EU.


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