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Moldovan government approves ratification of Agreement with EU for participation in European Social Fund Plus

20:13 | 26.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will benefit from financial and technical support for the implementation of policies of employment, social inclusion and poverty reduction. This will be possible due to Moldova’s participation in the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Component of the European Social Fund Plus (FSE+). The government today approved the ratification of the Agreement to this effect between Moldova and the European Union. The Agreement will be enforced retroactively starting from 1 January 2024.   

The Labour and Social Protection Ministry (MMPS) said that ‘’it is for the first time in the history, when Moldova will have access to these funds and will thus ‘’be able to benefit from more financial resources for reforms’ implementation.’’ 

„This agreement represents an important step in the consolidation of the relations between Moldova and the European Union, having the main goal the improvement of the opportunities of employment and promotion of the social innovation in our country,’’ MMPS noted.

Labour and Social Protection Minister Alexei Buzu stressed that ‘’the ratification of this Agreement will allow us accessing European funds, in order to back the employment, ensure a fair social protection and combat the poverty.’’

„In essence, Moldova will have access to a vector of financing with a budget of 762 million euros in the labour and social protection sector. The good aspect is that, in the negotiation process, Moldova already can apply for these projects. In early June, the ministry’s team already submitted a proposal of project. Now, we work to propose the second project, with the deadline established being 4 July. So, besides the fact that we align with the European practices in the legislative sector, we have access to funds and resources for investments in Moldova,’’ Labour and Social Protection Minister Alexei Buzu also said.   

The Agreement was signed in Brussels on 21 May 2024. Concrete projects on financing will be selected in cooperation with the public authorities, civil society, social and development partners, as well as economic agents and will be agreed upon in direct negotiations with the European Commission.       

The MMPS representatives will have right to participate as observers in the technical working group of the EaSI component of the FSE+ Committee on the subjects which regard Moldova. Also, legal entities and private people of Moldova will take part in actions of the EaSI component of FSE+ in conditions equivalent with the ones applicable to the entities established in the Union.     



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