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Moldova's national commission for population and housing census calls on everybody's participation in exercise of national importance

17:04 | 28.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/ - The people who have not participated in the census as yet are called to get involved in this exercise of national importance till 7 July this year, when the census-taking period ends. The call was made at a meeting of the national Commission for the population and housing census, chaired by Government’s Secretary General Artur Mija.   

„Each one should be aware that the data collected at the census will contribute to the improvement of the public policies and the implementation of development projects. We want that everything we do in infrastructure, education or medicine meets the needs of the people and for this, we must avail of updated and real information,’’ the government’s secretary general said.   

Thus, the residents the census for whom has not been taken as yet can get in touch with the census-taking staff on the area of their place of residence, in order to fix the date and time of the interviews.  

The people who do not have the contacts of the census-taker in charge can fill in the form on the website of the National Statistics Bureau (BNS), convey a message to the email (with information on the home address) or call the Green Line 0800 800 24 (free call).         

The participants in the meeting discussed also aspects on the taking of census for the shelterless people, refugees or displaced people. At the same time, the model of questionnaire for the carrying out of the post-census-taking inquiry was approved.

The population and housing census is held on 8 April – 7 July 2024. The census has been taken of about 2.4 million people and over 1.6 million dwellings so far.    




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