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Moldovan president attends event on tax employees' day

16:52 | 01.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 1 /MOLDPRES/- Today, on the 34th anniversary of the founding of the State Tax Service (SFS) and tax employees' day, President Maia Sandu participated in 2024 Honest Taxpayer Gala. The head of state congratulated tax workers, as well as companies that have become an example by the way they pay their taxes, the presidential press service has reported.

"Today's event is a good opportunity to reflect on the importance of the work of the employees of the State Tax Service, but also on the relationship that we need to build between state institutions and citizens, companies and society. Unfortunately, we carry with us the burden of a past in which this relationship was based on deep-rooted mistrust due to abusive and - often - corrupt practices on behalf of some officials, including those in senior positions," the President said.

The best employees of the SFS, as well as entrepreneurs who meet their tax obligations have been awarded at the event.

"To be an honest taxpayer means to contribute to the modernization of the country, anchor us firmly on the European path. We thank very much all the companies that understand that respect for the law and honesty are cornerstones without which we will not be able to become a developed country. I express my appreciation that you are not only opening jobs at home, but you work transparently and honestly", Maia Sandu said.

The head of state praised that by the end of last year, 58% of SFS services had been digitalized. According to the official, "these developments not only simplify the interaction with taxpayers, but will bring more transparency on both sides in the relationship with the Service and, thus, more trust - the basis for a united and strong society".

Maia Sandu voiced hope that the SFS employees will move to a working model based more on consultation and support of entrepreneurs and the abusive control should become a thing of the past.

The decree on awarding Civic Merit medal to some employees of the State Tax Service can be found here:









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