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Express European Village // Modern mini-football field built in Ialoveni

20:08 | 02.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Over 4,000 children, pupils and young people from Ialoveni benefit from a modern mini-football field. It was built under a project included in the Express European Village program, the total investment amount is about 450 thousand lei. The resources were allocated by the Government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.

The mini-football field is located in Albeni sector of the city. 

Ialoveni mayor Sergiu Armasu said that the new sports field provides a favorable environment for various sports activities, as well as for organizing other community events.

The head of the Ex-post and Reporting Service of the National Office for Regional and Local Development, Natalia Veverita said that the inauguration of this sports ground marks the fulfillment of a dream for the children and youth of Ialoveni. 

According to ONDRL, so far 71 sports grounds and 48 playgrounds have been built through the Express European Village program. The direct beneficiaries of these initiatives are about 35 thousand children, pupils and young people from 117 localities of the country.






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