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Moldovan speaker in discussions with PACE co-rapporteurs on organization of free and fair elections

10:07 | 03.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Igor Grosu today held a discussion with PACE co-rapporteurs of the monitoring committee Pierre-Alain Fridez and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica.

The officials discussed recent developments in the country, preparations for the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum. "On October 20, the Republic of Moldova will hold two important elections for democracy and the future of our country. Moldova is the target of an unprecedented hybrid campaign by the Russian Federation and criminal groups. Their aim is to divide society and weaken state institutions", he said.

He also noted that our country continues to need the Council of Europe's support in consolidating democracy, reforming the judiciary, fighting corruption and organizing free and fair elections.

Today the co-rapporteurs met with MPs of the parliamentary majority and the opposition.

Pierre-Alain Fridez and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica are on a fact-collecting visit to the Republic of Moldova on 1-3 July.




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