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Moldovan authorities' actions to combat disinformation and propaganda under OSCE PA spotlight

13:55 | 03.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- The actions taken by the Moldovan authorities to combat Russian disinformation and propaganda have come under the spotlight of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. The head of the Moldovan delegation, Veronica Rosca, delivered a plenary speech on the issue.

"At the annual session of OSCE PA, we reported about the interventions to the regulatory framework of the Republic of Moldova aimed at reducing the negative impact of propaganda and disinformation in the media space while mentioning the adoption of the national program for media development for 2023-2026, the concept of strategic communication and countering disinformation for 2024-2028, as well as the National Security Strategy, which stipulates the information threats affecting the national interests of the Republic of Moldova," Rosca said.

The head also referred to the public authorities involved in monitoring, preventing and sanctioning disinformation, such as the Audiovisual Council, the Intelligence and Security Service.

"Disinformation is considered one of the main threats to democracy, not only in Europe, but also in the whole world. In this context, I would like to emphasize the importance of cooperation among OSCE participating states, including the need for a productive dialogue at the parliamentary level to exchange best practices in this field, in order to fight Russian disinformation and fake news throughout the OSCE area," Rosca stressed.

On the sidelines of the session, the Moldovan parliament delegation members met with Pia Kauma, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. The officials discussed the current situation in the Republic of Moldova, the security challenges facing our country in the context of the Russian Federation's war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as the hybrid war and disinformation affecting the Republic of Moldova. During the talks, the members of the national delegation also discussed the preparation for the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum due in October.




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