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State Road Administration launched new specialized anticorruption hotline to ensure transparency, integrity

18:32 | 03.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- State Road Administration (ASD) reconfirms its commitment to operate in the spirit of transparency and integrity and announces a new specialized anticorruption hotline.

According to the ASD, in accordance with the provisions of the Law approving the Regulation on the functioning of the system of anti-corruption hotlines and in order to streamline the implementation of measures to ensure integrity within the institution, a new specialized anti-corruption hotline 076666222 has been launched and is already operational.

If you notice suspicious activities, please inform us at 076666222 (Viber, WhatsApp) or email -

The State Road Administration says it is determined to promote the ethical principles of legality, integrity and transparency. "We reiterate that transparency, accountability and integrity are the fundamental pillars for the sustainable development of road infrastructure," the ASD said.


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