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Moldovan government approves admission plans for technical vocational education for 2024-2025 academic year

13:14 | 03.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- Cabinet of Ministers has approved the admission plans for the 2023-2024 academic year in vocational schools, colleges and centers of excellence, according to the government press release.

8,267 state-funded people will be admitted to vocational schools and centers of excellence, of which 1,562 places are planned for dual education, up by 232 places compared to 2023. This year a new field will be included, namely the use of computers, for which 538 places are planned.

3,900 state-funded people will be admitted to colleges and centers of excellence. 334 places will be allocated for training in dual vocational training programs, up by 131 places compared to last year.

Taking into account the requirements of the labor market, the most state-funded places will be offered for the following fields: teaching and educational sciences, health, information and communication technology, veterinary medicine.

The fee-paying admission plan includes 393 places at vocational schools and 7,690 places at colleges and centers of excellence. Technical vocational training is provided in 81 institutions: 14 centers of excellence, 35 colleges and 32 vocational schools.


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